Bob Mikell – Stage 4 Kidney Cancer

Bob Mikell

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Bob Mikell - Stage 4 Kidney Cancer
Monday, May 17, 2010, 9pm-10pm EST (6pm-7pm PST)
Featured Guest: Bob Mikell
Hosted by: Marisa Marinelli

Bob Mikell was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma) on Oct. 30, 2002. On the day before Thanksgiving, Nov. 27, 2002, the top kidney surgeon at Sloan Kettering Medical Center removed his right kidney – and a tumor the size of a football. An exploratory examination and biopsies were done. He was told that they got it all. Yet, three months later, he learned that the cancer tumors and lesions had spread to his liver, lungs and renal bed where the right kidney used to be. In 6 weeks, another CT scan showed the cancer tumors had grown 35 percent. The doctors decided that the best approach would be a clinical trial drug called Interferon. This drug had limited some success (15 percent) with slowing the growth of kidney cancer in clinical trials. The side effects were horrendous. After 4 or 5 treatments the Doctors told him they had to take him off the medicine for a 60 day period to let his body recover from the damage the medicine had done.

Bob wanted a quality of life no matter what the long-term prognosis might be. The need to have some control and input over his life led him to macrobiotics. On May 6, 2003, Bob started a very strict macrobiotic healing diet (also known as a cleansing diet). Seventh months later on Dec. 16, 2003 another scan showed no evidence of any tumors. Bob fully credits macrobiotics for allowing him to become responsible for his own life and health. He shares his story and helps others whenever he can.

Note: The information provided on this website and on conference calls is not intended as health advice nor as a replacement of your Physician, Nutritionist or Health Professional Advisor. If you have a health issue please seek the appropriate medical attention.