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Bridgette Kossor
Monday, June 28th, 2010, 9pm-10pm EST (6pm-7pm PST)
Featured Guest: Bridgette Kossor
Hosted by: Phiya Kushi
As a 47 year old woman who spent most of my adult life struggling with weight, body image and health, Bridgette Kossor was at the end of her rope, trying yet again, to lose weight and feel good. By the end of 2006, she found herself at her heaviest weight, 268 lbs., on medication for high cholesterol and blood pressure, and sleeping with a machine for sleep apnea. Her doctor suggested gastric bypass surgery, which shocked her into taking some kind of real, responsible action to take care of herself. Her friend, Barbara Panno, had told her about Macrobiotics earlier that fall, but she wasn’t ready to consider making this kind of change, until her “light bulb moment”, months later. She could no longer keep doing what she had been doing for years; dieting and exercising with no real connection to the food or herself. She had no idea what Macrobiotics was, but she knew that she needed to find out.
Bridgette met with Denny Waxman in 2007 for her first macrobiotic health consultation. He gave her his recommendations for eating a wide macrobiotic diet and changing her lifestyle to better balance her insides, along with her outer appearance. She enthusiastically jumped into this new way of thinking about her food, cooking and eating; within 6 weeks her cholesterol numbers reduced drastically (LDL was cut in half), and within 4 months she lost 52 pounds without even trying. Her medications were no longer needed since her blood pressure and cholesterol were within normal ranges for the first time in years. She no longer needed a machine to sleep with, since her sleep apnea also disappeared. By the end of her first year of macrobiotic practice, she lost close to 90 lbs. For someone who has spent her whole adult life in a dysfunctional relationship with food and her body, this approach to food, cooking, health and community was not only simple, but invaluable.
In 2008, Bridgette attended the Strengthening Health Institute with Denny Waxman and graduated from the Comprehensive Certification Program. A whole new world opened up to her through the classes she attended; she couldn’t wait to learn more! It was, and still is, incredibly exciting to live in a different context of what food is and how it feeds life. The phrase, “you are what you eat” now means something profound in her world. She lost over 100 lbs. and now teaches others in the hope that, they too, will discover the joy of eating and cooking real food that is full of life and with awareness and love as they learn to take impeccable care of themselves and our world. She teaches plant-based/macrobiotic education and cooking classes at Whole Foods Market, The Wellness Community of St. Louis, and for many individuals, groups and families. She is also the coordinator of two organic community gardens in the St. Louis County area and co-created a 90 day program called, “My Big Reveal” which brings together mind, body and spirit.
As a professional singer, songwriter/recording artist, Reiki Master, Interfaith Minister, writer and lover of people, living this lifestyle brings balance and peace to what she loves to be and do. Her energy level has always been high; living macrobiotically has opened that up even more and given her an even, focused way to use that energy. Each day brings more of her dreams to life… without counting anything!
Note: The information provided on this website and on conference calls is not intended as health advice nor as a replacement of your Physician, Nutritionist or Health Professional Advisor. If you have a health issue please seek the appropriate medical attention.
3 Responses to “Bridgette Kossor – Weight Loss and General Health”
It is storeies like this that help me to think that I can dot it, and lose my obese tag. But, I think one of the problems I have and/or reasons I have for ALWAYS succeeding in failing and then falling OFF the wagon is that I just ‘see’ a mountain that I feel is too big to climb, or that by the time I reach the peak, I’ll be half dead from old age. I feel defeated before I begin, which I know is ridiculous, but I can not seem to do anything about it. I have tried numerous times, just in the last few months/weeks, which has ended in these last two weeks with me crashing and burning, and bingeing. I do have an eating disorder, and wonder if I have to have a brain implant first, because the times are too numerous to mention re the number of times I have been “so determined this time”. I read something by Phiya that made complete sense. It was about ‘the will’ and that we have to cultivate this. And this is what I am scared of because I am wondering whether or not my time has passed because my will seems to be non existent, along with the motivation, of which there is none.
I am desperate, but with a ‘cheery face’, although it’s getting harder and I fear I will be swallowed up by my own inability to really heal this sickness. many people have offered help and I have been so thankful and appreciative, but always the initial enthusiasm wanes and I fall back into the depression that awaits.
Fabulous story though. If this had been a few years ago, I would have done as you did, and studied (which I would still love to do, and am, on line, as much as I can)and would love to have helped people. That would have been an honour. How wonderful for you. Every blessing and may you help to heal many.
I just eat constantly. I can’t seem to focus without chewing! I am overweight, just this side of obese. I eat gluten-free and vegan already. Still At least 40 lbs over weight. Just can’t seem to shake it.
on August 11th, 2010 at 1:10 pm #
[…] her body, this approach to food, cooking, health and community was not only simple, but invaluable. read article and listen to audio Leave […]