Beti Minkin – Healing Mother Earth

Beti Minkin

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Beti Minkin - Healing Mother Earth
Sunday, August 8, 2010, 3pm-4pm EST (12-1pm PST)
Featured Guest: Beti Minkin
Hosted by: Phiya Kushi

Since 1995 Beti Minkin has been actively campaigning for the development of sustainable village projects in her native country Turkey. Her macrobiotically inspired ventures raise local awareness about the protection of disappearing heirloom seeds, traditional foods and natural lifestyles. She created the organic food company TOHUM® in the US to market traditional Turkish artisan foods to benefit village economy. One of her products, the highly nutritious Tohum Tahini is made of heirloom golden sesame seeds and can be obtained from macrobiotic companies and Whole Foods in the North East region.

In 2006 Beti founded a non-profit, the Anatolia Foundation in the US, to more effectively support and initiate projects that protect the endangered agro-biodiversity of the Anatolia region of Turkey. This region contains the genetic codes of a range of variety of foods we consume in the West, including wheat, barley, almonds and lentils. Beti’s current project involves a full-scale organic certification program with over 200 farmers and the revival of the ancient local grain Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) amongst other important traditional food crops. Lawrence Kushi is one of the Founding Members and the Vice President of the Foundation.

Additionally, she initiated village NGOs and a Farmer’s Cooperative. The project also includes botanists cataloging wild flora, grandmothers sharing traditional recipes, beekeepers producing wildflower honey and women making healing salves and botanical extracts. For more information about the projects see:

Her remarkable efforts were recognized, when she became a finalist recently for the 2010 One World Award by Rapunzel, a respected German organic food company and the NGO, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). See

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