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A Conversation With John Milton Fogg
Sunday, June 20th, 2010, 3pm-4pm EST (12pm-1pm PST)
Featured Guest: John Milton Fogg
Hosted by: Phiya Kushi
John Milton Fogg is author of the best-selling book “The Greatest Network In The World”. He founded UplineĀ® and Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazines, was Contributing Editor for Success magazine, Founding Editor-in-Chief for Networking Times and was one of the founders of The Network Marketing He is one of the most sought after speakers and consultants in the booming Network Marketing industry.
Prior to his involvement in Network Marketing John lived in the Boston macrobiotic community, studied macrobiotics and worked as marketing director for Erewhon Natural Foods (founded and owned by macrobiotic leaders, Michio and Aveline Kushi). He has since applied what he learned from macrobiotics and many other teachings into the field of network marketing.
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